Tourist find. You can always find something special in the usual

Experts are trusted. Find the experts yourself. Experts are highly valued. Expertise is not a completed doctorate at all, but just a little more knowledge of the subject than the knowledge of your target audience. And the ability to present it. Even if you only know what to visit in Lviv, for example.

2. Always sell

Your time is money. If time does not bring money (or its equivalent), time is wasted. Therefore, every day "personally!" sell something. Even if it's petty. You can sell your advice (for lunch, for example), sell your company nearby. Selling a pen to a stranger, reporting to the authorities. The main thing is to maintain the skill of sales.

3. Be uncomfortable

The more convenient you are, the more and more you are used (without your benefit). So you go ten times for a beer, talk to your neighbors, mop the floor and set up the computer. Other's. Do not think that your "good" deed will be remembered at its true worth. One more, two, and you will be bent over every time. And at that time you will waste time on new opportunities.

4. Promise a lot

Even if you fail, you can always find someone who will do it for half the amount paid to you. Now my threshold is 30%. We need to aim for 10%.

5. Control the situation

Never give up on circumstances. Be responsible for your actions. People appreciate it and trust you much more, feeling a reliable person in you.

6. Know who you are

What are you passionate about, what do you work with, what do you strive for. Know it clearly. And design your business card accordingly.

7. Look for contacts

Meet new people every day. On the street, at exhibitions, at work, on the Internet. Give everyone your business card. It happens that it can work even after 5-10 years.

8. Use your contacts

Introduce your friends. Showing how and where they can be useful to each other.

9. Learn new things about your topic

Excludes public news. If something really important happens, you will know about it.

10. People are always buying something.

Analyze it constantly. And make sure they buy this “something” from you.

11. Raise the price

You should not feel sorry for customers (believe me, they will not feel sorry for you) - raise the price. If the product is exclusive - raise it three times. By the way, in the business in which I did this, sales also increased almost three times. Those. profitability increased by 9. Since no additional marketing moves were made.

12. Use stereotyped thinking

People have stereotypes that inspire confidence in them. For example, a single page with contacts and a description gets more leads (because it looks like a private ad), but doesn't sell well. A multi-page online store on a good engine sells much better. Although it is also done in 20 minutes. A person in a good suit sells better than one in sportswear. Look for the stereotypes of your target audience.

13. Better once on time than twice right.

As one of my girls said: it’s better to give up right away than torturing yourself with excuses. In other words: It's better to do it and regret it than to regret not doing it. Many people know this, but almost no one follows.

14. Satisfy desires

Sell ​​what your target audience WANTS. If, however, you understand that it will harm them (as often happens) - pack the goods, so they want. And inside - what they need.

15. Make little surprises

Send greeting cards, "kinder surprises" to those people who are of interest to you. When they need the services that you provide, they will definitely remember you (and completely forget about your competitors).

16. Always ask for twice as much.

Give - wonderful. (and this happens 6 times out of 10). In case of emergency. because you can make a discount. 20%

17. Any of the methods described here may not be correct.

Your job is to come up with your own. You, and only you, know your strategies for success. And if you analyze the successful moments of your life and find a pattern (and most importantly - you will use your principles) - you are doomed to success.

My blog is a wild, vigorous mixture of materials about motivation, psychology, SEO, life and moneymaking. No matter how much I wanted to make a blog already on the topic, I never really succeeded.

At one time, I even tried to make a purely SEO blog. And then everything that was boiling inside me during the day was looking for a way out. Posts from SEO turned to philosophy, from psychology they went to websites.

Then I moved to the other extreme. I tried not to write about SEO at all, but the style of my earnings on the Internet and just the desire to share what I have achieved prevent me from doing this. Because I'm moving in different directions. In some, I have achieved some success unexpectedly for myself and I try to develop these successes from 20 rubles a day to at least 1000. And some turned out to be unpromising or I simply did not have enough understanding.

Therefore, I leave the blog as it is - an explosive mixture SEO, motivation and life psychology.

Diversification is a must. When you move in only one direction of earning, you run the risk of losing everything one day. I recommend dealing with several topics at once, which are sometimes not so easy to combine.

For example, I managed to work with three topics, completely combining them. They don't even really interfere with each other. And each in my purely creative head is associated with something that would never have occurred to a normal person.

It's like our society. Some sell themselves more expensive, but only in one hand. At the same time, they sell themselves more expensively, not because they really cost that much, but simply because they decided so. Success has always consisted of two valuable components - arrogance and self-worth.

The latter sell themselves to everyone at once. They dump, work at several jobs, getting a penny for everyone, but about the same as the first in total. In the end, a heart attack awaits them and the site of a person drops out of the search for life.

Others focus on the average level. They manage to sell themselves with dignity, while maintaining moderate demand for themselves. If they see that health is no longer that and the heart is fooling around, then they sharply increase the cost of services, but at the same time they begin to work less. If health is normal and full of strength, then they begin dumping and work at several jobs.

And what about self-improvement? With an increase in the value of oneself as a person and as a specialist? No, I was not mistaken, any person has a value, this is a very unpleasant and bitter truth, it is better for you to never know your value, but only assume it.

So, the former enlist support and authority, recommendations and higher education. They pump themselves up for a long time and painstakingly, starting a post with a manager of one table, and slowly moving up to a project manager and even a director (here, how lucky, you can submit an application, but whether they will take it or not, even for a bribe, is another question). Like everything in life, the game may be worth the candle, or it may not burn out. Because search system fate is unpredictable.

The latter also think about self-improvement, but they seem to be doing something for a long time, they want to do it quickly. Therefore, a diploma of higher education is bought, a labor one is forged, a face with a brick, a suit like an employee of the best corporation (the main thing is to indicate real phone numbers on the business card, otherwise they can burn it). Sooner or later, the deception will be revealed, but during this time you can get a bunch of connections, deceive even more people and, in principle, quietly receive income. Although more and more often it does not work, because a person tends to relax, it is much more difficult to deceive than to tell the truth.

Conclusion: take care of honor from a young age, value yourself and sell exactly as much as you value.


Blogging reminds me of going to the store. You sit for a long time, write a list of necessary products, remember what you need to buy. Finally, you get ready, count the money, go down the stairs and ...

And then you realize that most of all in life you want dumplings. No, well, there are of course people who planned what they bought. But ep, how do you want dumplings. And don't care about the whole plan, dumplings are convenient, fast and tasty. Pelmeni are in demand and success. And there are always a lot of guests for dumplings. Well, in principle, this is understandable - everyone loves dumplings.

Or maybe just break it down and just before going out into the street, the desire to go to the store will disappear. Well, of course, it’s necessary today, as it were, but maybe wait another day, nothing terrible will happen, right?

Sometimes a trip to the store is just a pleasant surprise. You walk around, choose between round and long-grain rice, think about what cooks faster and what goes with the meat, and then... No, just think - there is a promotion in the store and when you buy two boxes of pizza you get a pancake! Wow!

Such success from a seemingly insignificant purchase. And the wife is happy, and the mother-in-law, and you yourself look and admire the crepe maker. Here, others call and even offer that you bake pancakes for them yourself, of course, for money.

Conclusion: Going to the store is a daily thing. Sometimes dreary, sometimes it turns out to be a fascinating acquaintance and amazing shopping. Often we go to the store on full automatic, buying expired products. So, it's better not to buy them at all.


It so happened that now teasers have become a significant part of my income. Sites with entertainment traffic monetize well, but with a large amount of traffic, on average, starting from 1000 uniques.

What do teasers remind me of? And they remind me of girls, and of easy virtue. Whoever looks prettier will be chosen. Whoever is more insolent will pay attention to that one. But sometimes a girl repaints, sorts out with a set of cosmetics and scares away with her appearance. The most important thing is to show boobs in time, and this will turn into a good result.

Such girls do not come to your house, you yourself find them in specific places. Since my teasers are mostly adult, I have associations with the most terry prostitutes. That is, they easily give in the ass, constantly sleep with their relatives, are prone to BDSM and for some reason scream that they give it for free, although on average it costs more than you currently have in your wallet.

How many girls will line up and how many there will be in the group depends on how many of them and how often the client will choose. Usually you need to put three on the right and right next to you three more. If the client is surrounded on all sides, then he may get scared and just leave.

Conclusion: girls from the station are much cheaper than girls from the bank, who are quite picky about the guys and can not accept everyone. They are most often with pictures and there are many more of them. But for such girls to bring income to the pimp, you need a very large number of clients.

Pharma affiliate programs

Pharma affiliate programs remind me of dealers in the markets. This is trite, but the comparison is on the face. Guys who walk up to you and open their raincoats to show off their merchandise. Usually the goods are really normal, cheaper than in the store across the street, but his income depends on how the guy looks and how arrogant he is.

These dealers operate in different ways. They may put letters in your mailbox. The method is ineffective, such letters are simply thrown out. The second are registered in various circles and societies, then they begin to work inside, offering goods. The method is more effective, but people immediately understand that the guy is not their own, and within such societies, communication and understanding are valuable, so the guy flies out pretty quickly, unless of course he is a born bastard.

And there are dealers who develop their business on a par with official stores. They learn the language of buyers, buy a better raincoat, and even really can advise how and what to do in different situations, in the end, without fail, offering a product. Often these dealers are not even identified.

Pharma affiliates themselves always evoke associations with a Georgian mother who runs a large family, shouts loudly and encourages everyone to come to visit her, even if, in principle, a person does not need it. Such families are generous, hospitable, never stingy and like real would-be illegals who are always in a delicate situation, professional and damn beautiful.

Conclusion: Georgian mothers are quite friendly, but sooner or later you have to work for them, and if you don’t work, then family membership will be canceled. Well, not everyone is destined to be a dealer.

Human life is never a smooth and cloudless road. Each of us, sooner or later, faces misfortunes or tragedies on his life path. They can be of a different nature: a serious illness, a disaster, a war, a terrorist act, the loss of loved ones. As long as there are no fewer tragedies in our world, misfortune can burst into a person’s life quite unexpectedly. And when this happens, not everyone is able to cope with the blow. This does not at all mean that a person is weak, he is simply vulnerable, and nothing can be done about it.

When trouble strikes, it can be very difficult for a person, and sometimes it is impossible to cope with shock and despair alone. However, you need to move on. It is difficult to protect oneself from misfortunes, but this does not mean at all that one cannot fight them. It is very important that in such a difficult moment of life friends, relatives, loved ones come to the rescue. And, of course, we all must be sensitive and attentive in order to show sympathy ourselves and provide support to those who need it.

"site" is an opportunity to cope with a difficult life situation, to find the missing support that a person needs when he is face to face with trouble. Yes, the 21st century has not brought safety and security to mankind. Every now and then we hear news about terrorist attacks, natural disasters, man-made disasters, military operations, cataclysms that claim lives. But the same century gave humanity the freedom of communication, technologies that bring together strangers who are hundreds and thousands of kilometers apart from each other. Zhytref gives an opportunity to come to the rescue, provide support and simply express words of sympathy to all those who need it. In the frantic pace in which we all have to exist, sometimes you forget what is really important. These are the realities of modern life. "website" is both a reminder and an opportunity to show the most important human qualities: compassion, humanity, mercy, philanthropy.

Take a look around you. Life is generous to us, it gave us those who are ready to lend a hand in difficult times. These are people who will put aside any business and forget about their minor troubles when it is necessary to take care of their loved ones. Parents, children, comrades, colleagues - let's treat them with kindness and attention. A friendly word, a call, even a simple smile hold a person's life together with imperceptible but strong ties. And life is the most important and the only thing we have. Zhijrf will help turn us all into close people. People who care about the fate of another person.

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"You can't always find what you want..."

You can find what you really need and some of what you really want, but first you need to determine what these things are. Therefore, find yourself a quiet place where no one will disturb you, take a pencil and paper and draw a vertical line in the middle of the page. On the one hand, write "Desirable", on the other - "Necessary". Now write. And here's what might come of it:

I want him to be able to dance.
I want him to love horror movies.
I want his hair to be light and wavy.
I want him to be six feet one inch.


He shouldn't mind if I want to dance.
I need to be sure that I can rely on him if our relationship gets serious.
When something bothers me, he should pay attention to it.
He must be able to make me laugh.
When making a list, think about your former lovers: what you liked about them and - just as importantly - what was missing. Pay special attention, of course, to those who truly left a mark on your soul. How does each of them fit into your list? Have you ever had a partner who fit all the boxes on the list of desirable traits, but didn't have all the necessary ones? Have you ever spent time wondering why things didn't go smoothly - why this person was "the way you wanted" but it wasn't enough? Now then you understand why?
You may need to revise your list from time to time. Maybe its original appearance will change with each new acquaintance. You should not carve it on stone tablets; at the same time, do not be afraid to write what you want or consider necessary for yourself, even if this list seems a bit awkward to someone else. If in doubt, write anyway: later, when you focus on the things that are really important to you, you will understand what's what.
Now back to Herb. Can he insist that his next woman play bridge, after all, his ex-girlfriend Danielle tried to force him to end this hobby? Does Herb confuse the ability to have respect for his need to play cards with the ability to play as well as he does?
Tony once got into a conversation with a woman psychologist. "I'm fifty-three now," he said. “Now I finally feel ready to get married.” - “Really? - asked the psychologist. - What would you like to see your wife? "Well," Tony replied, "I'm short, so she must be under five foot four; and I love jogging, so she'll have to run too. I also love jazz; I need her to love the same music as me. I can't stand Led Zeppelin and stuff like that. Plus I'm a diabetic; it would be good if she ate natural food. Oh yeah, she shouldn't smoke yet. I can't stand the smell of cigarette smoke." The lady looked at him and smiled. “You know, Tony,” she said, “I don't think you need a wife. You need your reflection in the mirror; someone you could show off to your friends at dinner, just to show them what a great person you are."
Desires, preferences ... But the main thing is needs. Desires make up the top of the pyramid, and you can't build a pyramid without a solid foundation. Understand what is needed for this foundation - and build on.

Hello! My name is Ksenia Semerenko and my little confectionery is called Candy Bar. A rather stereotypical name, but everything happened so spontaneously and now in our city they know me under this code name J

I always thought that I would work in my specialty - an engineer of technosphere safety. However, employment has been delayed. And the way I always dreamed of opening a small candy store, we decided to take a chance.

At first, few people noticed us, the population is not dense here, and people treat something new with some distrust. But a month later, they began to look at us and be interested. And gradually my risk grew into something more.

I'm still at the very beginning of the journey. There is so much to learn, to try, to be in time ... And this is a huge incentive! Looking through the pages of chefs, you try not to lose face. Set goals and achieve them. Even with limited resources.

The work of a confectioner is hard work, which, nevertheless, brings pleasure. After all, the most pleasant thing in our work is to receive warm feedback from our customers. It is at these moments that you realize the importance of your activity. There is nothing more pleasant than to take part in someone's cozy holiday.

I would like to wish all novice confectioners not to be afraid of experiments, because no matter how big or small your city is, you can always find something of your own, something so special that your customers will remember. Cook with love and you will succeed! May the force be with you!

From: Gubkinsky

How to contact to order a cake in Gubkinsky:
